Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Deval Patrick for Governor?

Waa-al Ah swan but the Globe seems to think civil rights honcho Deval Patrick wants to run for Governor as a democrat. We are told he is articulate, passionate, and a proverbial Beacon Hill outsider. Aye, but can he self-finance? Chimes at Midnight strongly doubts his stint as a corporate lawyer landed him enough John Edwards’ class fees to cover a gubernatorial campaign.
Alas, self financing might be the critical thing come campaign 2006. The gubernatorial primaries are in September which inevitably leaves our democratic challengers bereft of cash and fatally vulnerable to the usual GOP charges of profligacy and witchcraft.
Now Ben Affleck THERE is a guy who can self-finance a run! Think about it, the poor schnook’s acting career is stalled much like Ronald Reagan’s was in the early 1960’s, a switch into state politics might be the next step.
If a prick like Schwarzenegger can seize power why can’t pleasant affable Ben Affleck? He could pillory Romney as the sort of genial do-nothing phoney that has been ruining Hollywood for years. Invective like this, delivered with the right “aw shucks” grin could transform the next election.

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