Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The REST of the story...

Much to Humble Elias' shock and dismay, a shopping trip to the badlands of New Hampshire yielded up the revelation that Paul Harvey is still chirping into the microphone with the news twice daily. Dear Ghod, part of the aging process is discovering that there are better things to do than mere work!
These days Harvey must be past eighty years of age! He whistles and tweets into the mike like a Fred Allen parody of an octogenarian. Others must consider it fun to have a newsman on the radio who literally thinks it is still 1955, The Chimes at Midnight however is appalled. Harvey quite literally is a medieval relic and a poorly maintained one at that, back in the early 1980s he told the Saturday Evening Post that New York "feels like a foreign country to me".
We too easily confer the status of charm in our culture, which is why old wrecks like Imus, the late Senator Thurmond, and Paul Harvey keep soldiering on, th' powers that be apparently think it's cute they way they quietly soil themselves. Time for Paul to retire, really...that whistling he makes through his dentures is insufferable.

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