Sunday, January 23, 2005

Jeff Jacoby's Sunday Column...

You know, car bombings, suicide bombings, and terrorism in general really don’t work as an instrument of policy. Look at Jeff Jacoby, every time he opens his pie hole and starts blathering on about how it is “Morning in Iraq” the bodies start piling up like cordwood. None of which affects Mr. Jacoby in the least. No matter how high the rubble bounces or how far the body parts may fly, he clings to his passionate delusion with the ardor of a hungry zombie.
And yet, Jeff is never more condescending than when he cheerleads for the bloody snipe hunt that is the Iraqi elections. His naivete’ has degenerated into a kind of painful autism. You’d almost think he really believes that the wholesale slaughter of political candidates is somehow truly a part of the glorious democratic process!
Still and all, he is our laughing young senescence, attributing FDR’s “rendezvous with destiny” remark to his hero Ronald Reagan sans so much as a by-your-leave. Perhaps Reagan was cribbing from Roosevelt and perhaps Jeff couldn’t be bothered to check. Thats Jeff though, haughty, unyielding, and lavish with other people’s blood and treasure. He is the perfect modern conservative.

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