Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ah Compromise!

So McCain and Lieberman brokered an agreement to take the "nuclear option" off the table in return for letting through a few praetorian judicial nominees?
Well how good gawd damned delightful to be sure.
For the moment though, Frist does looks like a desperate over-reaching thats something.
However I doubt the agreement will last through next Sunday Morning's Chat Shows, Frist has got that good for nothing pipsqueak Gary Bauer and that malevolent revolutionary James Dobson on his back screaming for blood and dynamite. McCain on the other hand hasn't got the temperment or the attention span to police such and agreement. And J Lieberman?...he means well but Joe doesn't have a clue about the cossacks he is up against. He keeps singing "its a small world after all" amidst a huge praetorian chorus of "The Internationale". As for the other twelve moderates who signed onto this thing, forget them, they will run like rats in a firestorm when the whenever the wind shifts count on it.
In particular, the GOP moderation racket doesn't go in for biting the very well heeled conservative hand that feeds and or beats it.
Nope, a week from now, we could be back where we started on the filibuster...but it is nice to see that quack Dr. Frist sweat for once.
Let us therfore recall the simple admonition of William S. Burroughs:
"Whenever you are doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing!
His word don't mean shit not with the good lord telling him how to f*ck you on a deal!"

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