Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Romney signals yet another shift

in his position on abortion. He told USA Today that he differed with the national GOP on the subject and that his stance had evolved centerward since his unsuccessful senate campaign in 1994.
Its evolved all over the god damned place since then quite frankly, this is what his FIFTH consecutive opinion change on abortion? Hell and damnation I've lost count!
What he Told em' was:
"I'm in a different place than I was in 1994"
Now, never mind the fact that Mitt made another one of his oracular policy pronouncements to another national newspaper bypassing the locals entirely with viceregal disdain.
Instead lets stick to he Globe's implication that this alleged shift back to the center (or is it to the right I CAN'T TELL ANYMORE) indicates Decaf has resolved to run for re-election next year. I think this pretty confirms the notion that Willard is a hopelessly dishonest hack whose positions are at the mercy of his own relative advantage. I can guarantee you, if Romney was the Governor of Utah right now, he'd be the biggest loudest most insufferable pro-life freeper west of the Missouri River.
But is not, and so he trims away secure in the knowledge that no one of consequence will ever call him out, indeed he is oblivious to the notion that anyone is watching this sad spectacle.


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