Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Russert on Imus today...

Took the car in today and listened to the first few minutes of Tim Russert's call in to the show....I shoulda stuck with Howard Stern quite frankly.
Good Ghod but Phat Tim is STILL hawking "Big Russ-n-Me" that treacly tome that was thought safely exiled to "Buck a Book" last summer. Nope no such luck,there was Tim gettin' all weepy and sentimental over the imminent paperback release of the book!
Just like he got all catch-in-yer-throat proud last spring when the damn thing came out in hardcover.
Just like he will get all weepy and serious when he releases "Big Russ's Barbeque Secrets".
There is nothing more phony and nauseating that the spectacle of Tim Russert trying play it sentimental-nothing.
To hear him tell it, "Big Russ" finally hugged "Little Tim" last summer after he read the book.
Awwwwww.....Geez these NBC yaps just love the whole man-hugs thing don't they? Tom Brokaw seemingly toured the nation recounting weepy tales of sons hugging fathers on the occasion of the publication of "The Greatest Generation".
and so it is with Fat Tim, servile to those in power, insufferable to those without...but yet he has the greatest darn daddy in the whole wide world!

Such is the Kingdom of Heaven
On the Congressionally Licensed Airwaves
And Elsewhere
7:30am EST
God Save the Republic
God Save the Commonwealth

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