Friday, September 23, 2005

The Boston Herald is up in arms

over the spotiness of Boston's "evacuation plan".

Well what the hell, they may be right.
I think the whole state's evacuation procedures could do with a thorough top down review and reform.
Hell look at the sheer ineptitude and chaos avowed "Red States" and sundry Admin vassals can expect from their patrons La Famiglia Arbusto.
Now just imagine the sort of neglect and outright deliberate abuse the Commonwealth would have to endure if a similar sort of Hurricane came ashore up here.
Nope I say now is the time to review local disaster preparedness top to bottom.
Most of those plans were no doubt written back in the days when bureaucrats thought one could safely evacuate out from under an all out Soviet Nuclear Attack....but we ought to be able to rationally anticipate and deal with a simple hurricane.
And we need to, believe me, Massachusetts has no friends in high places these days we will need to rely on ourselves.

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