Thursday, September 08, 2005

Grim Prophesy...

A year or so ago, Senator John Kerry stood up before the world and said that He and Senator John Edwards had the "Right Values" to lead this Nation.
How right he was.
The chaos, casualties and needless loss of life that attends upon Hurricane Katrina are not the function of mere bureaucratic snafus or ill-preparedness or whatever today's excuse happens to be.
No..the current catastrophe is entirely the result of the wrong values being preached and acted upon at the very topmost echelon of this Republic. If you believe as George Bush does that the proper role of the Federal Government is to be a bodyguard to the Praetorian Class, war machine of choice and nothing else then the Katrina chaos is inevitable as night follows day.
A contempt for Federal activism and a fanatical wish to sever the public's occasional dependence on said action can be the only reason why FEMA and other agencies have been crammed full of crooks, laggards and hopeless ineptoids.
Forget the fact that the public has a constitutional right to expect such action, men must fit the praetorian ideology no matter what!
If your own personal ideology hold no brief for successful Federal action of any type, then get ready for ever more Katrinas...because this is the heartfelt belief of not only President Bush but VP Cheney and most of the men who aspire to the 2008 GOP Nomination for President.
Hell some of them will never admit it, but they are very much satisfied with the current outrage at FEMA etc...since by their debased beliefs this increases anger at the Federal Government and paves the way for the inevitable libertarian eschaton.
This is of couse, a value structure completely at odds with the majority of public opinion in the USA. Alas however the Praetorian Class and their clients in the GOP have never found this to be any barrier to gaining and holding power in the USA.

In short....this is only the beginning my friends.

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