Friday, September 02, 2005

Denny Hastert,

the bloated and corrupt Speaker of the U.S. House, confirms my worst suspicions.

Such is the state of leadership in America Today.

The Bodies haven't been pulled out of the water and counted yet, before Tom Delay's paunchy sock puppet is already hemmin' and hawin' about whether its worthwhile to rebuild New Orleans.
No doubt in the depths of the White House that sociopath Karl Rove is trying to figure out new ways to turn this catastrophe around to GWB's personal political advantage. The Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation will murmur about "breaking up a concentrated urban poverty cohort" and thus redlining democratic voters into safe red state precincts.
Thats not leadership either...
Keeping 48% of the population in a permament state of religious frenzy ain't leadership as well.
Getting a few crooks and felons to do your dirty work?
Nope it may make you seem tough...but it is not the MO of a real leader.

By every measure, the GOP and President Bush have failed the tests of leadership...and yet we are stuck with these fools and corruptards until 2008 when doubtlessly worse crimes will be perpetrated to make Jeb Bush or Rick Santorum Overseer of Plantation U.S.A.

What is to be done?
This is an American Chernobyl, and like the old USSR we arebeing lead by the same type of men that took Soviet Russia right off a cliff.

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