Wednesday, September 14, 2005

When I read...

a story like this I think to myself that the DA ought to put the alleged perp thru the proverbial third degree as it is likely they've been doing this sort of thing for years sans exposure.
This particular quote is especially intriguing:
Novak was arrested at his home later after he deposited $77,000 in a client trust fund account at Eastern Bank in Brockton and converted the rest into bank checks and money orders.
I'm wondering what were the denominations on those money orders and bank checks? Wanna bet they were gonna be in $2,000 increments and then bundled as campaign contributions to someone somewhere?
I've often wondered where the local GOP gets its scratch?
With their low numbers they either need regular infusions of out of state cash or....
I hope Sullivan bears down hard on this one, I suspect there is a bigger scandal afoot.
Ah but Sullivan wants to run for Governor or Congress or the no doubt this'll end in a quiet plea bargain and the mystery of Novak's Gold wil remain just that, a mystery.

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