Thursday, September 15, 2005

Romney tries his hardest to come up with...

a sensible anti-terrorism idea...and his best proposal involves wiretapping the Mosques of Massachusetts.

And you know what?
I agree with him.
With the proviso that the Commonwealth wiretap the Mormon Temple in Belmont and the Mormon meeting houses scattered thither and yon as well. Who knows what those Mormons are talking about behind closed doors, they too are an alien minority fond of secrecy with a strange authoritarian hierarchy looming over all and sundry.
Money, secrecy, bombastic all seems fishy to me.
Well the answer to all this nonsense is, the Mormons haven't commandeered any jetliners and flown them into least not as of 8:47am 9-15-05.
That sort of thing doesn't fall within the bailiwick of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints' long range investment strategy.
Nonetheless, Romney's ugly proposal does point up the man's utter deficit of class or even shame when it comes to anything pertaining to civil liberties.
For a guy who likes to fly off to Spartanburg South Carolina crying poor mouth and describing himself as a red speck in a blue sea, he sure doesn't think much of the rights and lives of other political, religious, sexual and racial minorities within the very Commonwealth he has sworn to defend.


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