Sunday, June 11, 2006

Brian McGrory jumps off the Romney bandwagon with a loud Hrrumph!

It took him a year after the damn thing ground to halt for Brian to bail...but he did climb down finally.
Apparently McGrory broke at long last with Mitt this week after the governor was a churlish no-show at the dedication of the Tip O'Neill tunnel.
The value structure here is interesting, four years of detached, inept and amateurish governance can be tolerated...but cut one serious & departed bigfoot dead and suddenly Brian is all up in arms?
It is nice and good to honor Tip O'Neill's would be even finer and better if at the same time the Commonwealth was honestly and ably governed at some point in the last sixteen years.
others are impressed with Brian's righteous dudgeon I'm just wondering which two bit shit-heel hack with the right moderate republican coloration will McGrory mark out for this time around?

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