Friday, June 16, 2006

Chiseling Our Way to Utopia

The Globe reports that Crazy Christy Mihos formed a corporation in Rhode Island to avoid paying the local excise tax and state sales tax on his yacht.
This is small beans I know even for a yacht that sold for $475K, nevertheless is is chiseling even petty ciseling by the standards of a millionaire like Christy.
No doubt this will be cast as a sort of populist anti-tax bona fide by the Mihos campaign and will be linked however tenuously to his longtime opposition to the tollbooths on the Mass Pike.
However, let Humble Elias remind all and sundry that the rest of us, the Lincoln's legendary "plain people" DO NO HAVE and WILL NEVER HAVE the option to form a spurious out-of-state corporation to evade the state sales tax on home appliances or your kid's new shoes.
That is a key difference between Christy Mihos and the rest of us, he is a member of the elite and has the capacity to bend the rules so save himself a few thousand dollars.
It is perfectly legal if a bit ethically gamey for him to do so, but lets remember this when he starts prancing around pretending to be the average guy's best pal ever.

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