Sunday, June 04, 2006

Spiteful Joanie wraps it all up with a beautiful centrist bow:

In her current column in the Boston Sunday Globe, Joan Vennochi is quoted as noting the following:
"Voters are starved for less-partisan, more results-oriented government. It is what Mitt Romney promised but abandoned after winning the governor's race in 2002. Romney veered right when he chose to go national, disappointing centrist voters."

Isn't it more accurate to note, that Joan Vennochi, Scot Lehigh & Brian McGrory all BELIEVED Mitt Romney's "centrist" promises and actively projected their neurotic need for a moderate republican executive onto the Viceroy?
The above quote beautifully summarizes the "columnist ideology", they want a chimera called "results oriented government".
Humble Elias though must ask "Whose results for whose benefit Joanie?"
The notion that you can expunge ideology from governance is an oft repeated fallacy on the Globe's Op Ed page and elsewhere. Quite frankly, without ideology there is no politics to speak of, either you have it or else you must negotiate with it but you cannot get rid of it.
Moreover ideology and partisanship do not cease to exist because they are of marginal saliency to an ill defined cohort called "centrist voters".

Joanie doesn't get that, like a lot of people she thinks government ought to run like an ATM machine, input=results game over. She just doesn't get that law and good governance filters thru a lot of sublime and malign layers before it is done. We don't need a better mechanic or technician in the corner office we need honesty, leadership and a little self confidence.
After that, Humble Elias will take his chances.

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