Wednesday, November 01, 2006

All I can say to Senator Kerry is

Don't apologize, don't back down!
Has George apologized for lying about the WMD?
Has he even said he was sorry for serving the troops a prop turkey on Thanksgiving?
Has Rumsfeld apologized for bungling the war planning, ignoring the insurgency, and stinting the troops on the necessities like body armor?
Has Cheney apologized for permitting Halliburton to get it's ugly snout so deep in the Iraqi trough that they are snorting up splinters?
Hell NO!
Humble Elias doesn't see why Senator Kerry should apologies for telling the truth on the whole sick corrupt cabal in the White House.
These bastards have made a cottage industry out of distorting any remarks made by our Junior Senator and then screaming them long and loud from one end of America to the other.
They are ably assisted in this matter by their usual latahs in the media, jerks like Scot Lehigh who'll soon be writing those awful tsk-tsk columns in the Globe asserting the whole controversy is JK's fault due to his own mismanagement...blah blah blah!
Well, F@ck that noise!
The issue is the war, our troops have been caught in the middle of a Sunni-Shia' civil war whilst the punditariat breathlessly reports on JK"s reaction to the GOP's latest manufactured "crisis".
The only thing this thing teaches me is that the national news media continues to fall for the GOP line every time, indeed it is increasingly clean that they are AFRAID to report the story any other way!
So John....if by some miracle you are reading this the Little Blog that Cried, DON'T GIVE IN! In fact, Pour it on!!!
These jerks are most unmanly bastards imaginable, they screech for apologies like a bunch of middle school queen bees.
Treat them with contempt it is only as much as they deserve.

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