Monday, June 28, 2010

"Blah blah blah Fifty Five Percent, Blah Blah Blah"

Former State Senator Scott Brown's approval rating stay solid per the Boston Globe.
I'm sure the very headline stirs most of our local radio talk show tyrants to long forgotten self abuse.
Of course his numbers are good, but then again no one has let shaken on January's election to make the case against him. After all this is the same Scott Brown who just screwed over the unemployed of the Commonwealth and screwed us out of $500 million in Federal Medicaid cash...So I'd say yes a case can be made.
Otherwise I'd say a fifty five percent approval rating will have a sobering effect on most incumbent officeholders who might wanna challenge the Tea Partei Favorite. That might be a good thing, if we are gonna beat Brown in 2012 we are gonna need a new face with a new approach and someone who can self finance to a certain extent would be helpful.
Now on the other hand, it'd be in-teresting to see what kind of numbers Scott was racking up in New Hampshire....just curious thass all. Can't hurt to check...I'd be intensely curious to see how Brown did in a hypothetical polling match up with his proclaimed and current candidate for 2012 Mitt Romney.

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