Friday, June 04, 2010

The State Senate is currently debating a

bill that would legalize up to three casinos in the Commonwealth.

No word yet when they will get around to discussing some practical reforms over at that den of inequity otherwise known as the Probation Department.
Honestly is there a better precis' of the State Senate's priorities, allegations have been made that offices were all but auctioned off at the Probation Department and everyone sits down looks at their shoes and waits for some report or some other palaver from the AG's office.
But drop a casino gambling bill into the hopper and they squawking & flapping with joy like geese gone mad on crystal meth.
Oh and check this meme out from the above link:
The industry would be regulated by an agency modeled on Nevada’s system. A gaming commission would set rules for the casinos and decide licensing matters, while a control board, with a dedicated State Police unit, would administer the rules and monitor the industry.
I can just imagine the collection of chowderheads, gombeen men, brothers in law, pension-grubbing dingbats and sundry riffraff that the lege will load onto that notional gambling commission. Dollar Bill Monahan anyone? How about Joe Lawless or Joe O'Brien look at the bang up job he did at the Probation Department!!
My thesis is simple, any state that can't handle probation on the up and up ought to avoid the manifold temptations of casino gambling like the God Damned Plague!

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