Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Ghod this is a nasty little marital obit...

Al and Tipper Gore are getting separated...

This sentence in particular is snide and gratuitously nasty:
Even after losing the 2000 Presidential election to George W. Bush, the Gores remained active campaigning for various leftist causes and figures, including Obama in 2008.
"Leftist causes and figures including Obama".
That would be then-Senator Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign, "Obama"...lotsa sheer respect for the Office of the President right there folks.
Didn't know "Obama" was a "leftist figure" either, but then again these punditariat douchebags tend to define leftism in a very broad sarcastic fashion, everyone who wants to put up stop signs at intersections is equated with the looters who tortured John Galt.
I feel for the Gores, the usual ass-holes will have tiresome sport on them as we move into the slow news season.

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