Tim Cahill has had by any account a rough two weeks, he got jacked by the Republican Governor's Association, he has been caught flat out taking contributions from companies doing business with the Treasurer's Office and he has some fingerprints on the scandal in the probation department. Moreover, he has sounded off in tones freeperish about terrorism, the Commonwealth's Health Care Law and illegal immigration, three topics about which Tim Cahill knows just exactly nothing.
And then there is his refusal to discuss in detail the budget cuts he sez we have to make in order to stem the state's recession driven deficit.
An outsider would look at Cahill and dismiss him as a bum and an ineptiod swimming in deep waters, I however still think he still running a better campaign than the GOP's Charlie Baker who seems to have decamped for some mythical long dark Quebec fishing trip of the soul.
Has anyone heard anything sensible out of Charlie in the past six weeks? I mean that he didn't contradict under pressure not twenty four hours later? And what about Richard Tisei, he got stabbed in the back at the GOP's state convention and no one has heard anything from him since. Did they ship him off on a tour of the towns at the bottom of the Swift River Valley or something?
Taken in total, despite a fall to the teens in current polling, Tim still has room to move, Baker on the other hand keeps tripping over fire hydrants, walking into telephone polls and falling down open man holes not to be heard from again for weeks at a time.
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