Wednesday, June 02, 2010

What is Tim Cahill's game plan?

Well he just got endorsed by the Boston Police Patrolman's Association so Humble Elias is hazarding a guess that the independent gubernatorial candidate will try and run to the right of Sarah Palin.
The BPPA has a real weakness for the real fondness for the absolute rightiest of wingnuts they endorsed George Wallace, Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr all  in their time. Clearly Tim must be promising them to either annex the Sudetenland or round up the flagmen and imprison them on Castle Island or some damn thing.
Hence Tim's accusation last week that shaking hands with a Muslim constituted "playing politics with terrorism" on the part of Governor Patrick...All part of a larger plan to play it like Achille Starace this fall.
Frankly I can't blame him, Charlie Baker is running like molasses uphill in Wintertime...and boring molasses at that. Patrick's numbers have firmed up a bit the only place where there is fuel a plenty and fresh air to start a fire is on the right.  Thus Tim once a orthodox democrat is reborn as a podium pounding rightical chic demagogue, hardly seems surprising now in retrospect.

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