Sunday, June 06, 2010

Guy Glodis gets on the State Auditor's ballot

but failed to get the convention endorsement.

Well, lets face it, the state democratic convention is a famously liberal room with a lot of thwarted Hilaryistas out there among the delegates that are still trying to a-venge their loss in Denver back in 2008.
And Suzanne Bump is a woman, with an active pulse and few skeletons in her closet and Guy Glodis is Worcester County's answer to Nelson Muntz after all.
Glodis may yet carry the day in the primary but first he will have to answer for a lot of boorish things he has said and done down thru the years.
And even if he gets the nomination the GOP is fielding yappy Mary Connaughton for the office, she will make a fight of it and on grounds favorable to the GOP as well.
Here is hopin' that Suzanne Bump can start punching above her weight.

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