Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Having spent last spring and last summer

tirelessly polishing the boots of Wall Street, and then spending all of last autumn campaigning for vengeful Falangists, Former State Senator Scott Brown takes time out of his busy fundraising schedule give two days over to statesmanship.
He has collected all the bribes a free congress can offer Big Finance and with his own pockets bulging with the money and good will of ruthless bankers, he can do one or two small favors for the peonage in his domain with respect to the START treaty.
Now if I was running against Scott Brown I'd do a lot of talking about Wall Street and it's de facto ownership of our Junior Senator. The money Scott has collected from out of state financials, the favors he has done for less than savory bankers etc etc....A lot of good hard hitting campaign commercials can be extracted from the record Scott has piled up this summer alone.
This would not be the deciding factor, it is gonna take a candidate with some powers of persuasion armed with a program that is worthy of persuasion.
And yeah it's gonna take money, and luck and brains as well.
Any takers out there?

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