Friday, December 24, 2010

The local Tea Partei

is all incensed because Former State Senator Scott Brown voted for the DADT repeal and the START treaty.
Now I thought the Tea Partei was all about fiscal discipline and getting da gummint offa da backs of the little pee-pul...What do gays serving openly in the armed forces or an arms control treaty with Russia have to do with any of that?
I dunno, its up to the TP to explain it...Otherwise it seems clear to me that Scott simply peddled his ass to the highest bidder in a sordid fashion like a good thrall of Wall Street.
I do think it comical that the local TP wants to gin up a primary challenge to Brown.
 Good friggin' luck with that project if the democrats of Massachusetts couldn't thwart him in January then I doubt the thin ranks of the radical right in the Bay State can overthrow him in the 2012 GOP primary.
The man has six million in the bank and remains at the moment the most popular pol in the state.
Besides, read the above link carefully, not a single hypothetical candidate is mentioned...I can only imagine the failed candidate for State Rep or former Animal Control Officer for Hull that they'd have to put on the ballot in a  doomed bid to punish Brown.
In short, long odds mah frenz, but the TP is welcome to give it try all the same.

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