Friday, December 03, 2010

Initial Polling Indicates that

Former State Senator Scott Brown is in a good position to achieve re-election come 2012.

He is, currently, the most popular politician in the state.

Also the one with the biggest campaign war-chest at some six million large last I heard.

The usual names and faces do not fare well against Brown in a test match up, Congressmen Markey and Capuano trail by ten and sixteen points respectively. Governor Patrick flush with his beat down of the odds last month can just about manage a seven point deficit. Vicki Kennedy does no better than Governor Patrick.
And today we read in the Globe that the Governor has disallowed any senatorial ambitions in 2012.
We are in deep shit right?
Maybe not.
The above polling will no doubt activate the usual screeching magpies among the local prepared for that. These are writers activated by persons, personalities and the cult thereof.
But at the end of the day, Brown remains an amiable nullity, heavily beholden to the worst sort of Wall Street Buccaneers and who has amassed little record beyond a drama-queen like talent for public dithering.
I think a very strong arguements can be marshaled against Brown, but winning back the seat will cost money and will require the creation of  platform that appeals to independents and activates the democratic base...That is the meta-context, so to speak.
So instead of worrying who can run and win, democrats and liberals ought to devote some time and energy to creating an agenda, something that will make victory meaningful.
What I'm proposing here is, lets debate Brown on the issues, but first we have to make the issues mean something to the average voter.
I'm less interested in whether or not Capuano or Lynch or Pagliucci run and more interested in what they are gonna talk about...the usual rubbish or a platform that is democratic, pro-little-guy and opposed to the piracy of the interests.
Plug the above into some practical specifics and then maybe you'll have something.
Its worth a shot anyway...Shit we've already tried the other method and failed.

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