Wednesday, December 01, 2010

State Street is doing so god-damned well that

they think now is a good time to cut 1,400 jobs nationally with 400 jobs coming out of the Commonwealth's backside.
As American companies go, the financial sector has always been unusually mercenary with it's workforce, but this is simply beyond the pale.
Honestly far too much talent and money has gone and migrated to the financial sector, capital (human and cash) that could be generating products and JOBS for real in the private sector, instead of playing these incomprehensible games.
If someone wanted to run for the US Senate in 2012 on a pledge to  cut the Gordian Knot & shift all that Wall Street money into productive enterprises, dat sumbitch might just get my vote.
Just sayin'.
When it comes to Wall Street and the Financial Sector, a little judicious radicalism is very much in order.

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