Friday, December 10, 2010

Well, sure enough

despite some pleasing bluster last week to the effect that he'd vote to end the Pentagon's useless and malevolent "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, Former State Senator Scott Brown voted yesterday with the majority to derail any repeal of said noxious policy.
The problem with Scott Brown is simple and stark, he serves two masters, one of them is Senate Minority Leader McConnell and the other is the thousands of bloodthirsty and barbaric wowsers who financed Brown's senate campaign last January.
Between these two monoliths there is simply no room for anything that might do the citizenry of the Commonwealth any damn good.
And there the matter reposeth until Brown leaves office, don't look for him to evolve, he has no incentive what with being the most Popular Politician in Massachusetts, those high approval numbers are exactly what fuels his blunt refusal to do right by gays or anyone else for that matter.
What is to be done?
One route to gin up some loudmouth democrat who'll say all the properly blustery things and lay the snarkages on deep come debate time, and you can all sit there gape mouthed come election night 2012 when Brown is re-elected without turning a hair.
The other path is to start making your case on an issue by issue basis and take no precinct for granted as the campaign grinds along. Scott Brown would love 2012 to be about "values", which are defined here as meaningless comforting imagery designed to re-elect conservative republicans. If we want to win we need 2012 to be about the issues, where we differ with Brown and what we will do differently.
Take the latter approach, and you will at least give Scott the real fight he so richly deserves.
Think on it.

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