Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Me and God in Washington:
Newsweek has found it's own Hugh Sidey.
I refer of course to Howard Fineman who has the White House Beat for that fine and noble newsweekly.
Unlike Sidey though, Fineman restricts his nauseating brown-nosing to the person of the incumbent President Mister George Bush Jr.
In this week's heavily hyped cover story Fineman "examines" the stale religious kitsch that passes for the President's closely held Christian faith. As an article it manages to render the President's alleged victory over chronic inebriation in terms that would do justice to a medal of honor winner. It is certainly not Fineman's fault that our standards of public heroism have fallen so abysmally low that one can aspire to the top ranks simply by drying out.
No, Fineman's sin is a one of omission-but it is a glaring one. Howard manages to churn out the usual hagiography without once calling the President a "mean drunk" which is what he was back in his drinking days, assuming those drinking days are done.
The problem with mean drunks is that sometimes they dry out only to be mean sober citizens...this has got to be the case with GWB. He's got that blood crimson angry look in his eye that comes from chronic hallucinations wherein congress turns into loud dancing Jack Daniels' bottles...this is when the President's faith comes in and he starts making with the harsh over the top threats.

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