Friday, March 07, 2003

Premature political eulogy for Miguel "the snitch" Estrada toast, possibly well done toast...

As of yesterday Miguel "the snitch" Estrada's prospects of getting on the Federal Appeals Court (and thus one buttcheek away from a seat on the Supreme Court) were lookin' mighty slim.
Senate Republicans failed to stop a Democratic filibuster of the nomination....Majority Leader Dr. Bill "baby face" Frist got his clock cleaned on his first serious errand on behalf of the White House. So the vast rightwing conspiracy finally collected nice painful kick in the shins....well what of it?
No matter how much chaos and doubt invades the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal Government, the great cause of reviving feudalism in the 21st century marches on!
The Estradas of this world may falter and fall, but the Rehnquist Court still stands a lonely heroic watch on the battlements of post modern conservative civilization.
Where there is a seal to be clubbed
A gay marriage to prevent
An endangered species to be ground up
A pregnant woman to hassle
A Wilderness to be bulldozed
An election to overthrow...
Justice Bill Rehnquist and his Posse will be there...count on it.

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