Monday, March 10, 2003

Will Romneys ever cease?
I refer of course to the Gigantic Romney-Healey-2002 that is still up atop their campaign headquarters in Fresh Pond Cambridge.
A more steroidal monument to prolonged electoral gloating can't imagined.
Okay Willard we get it, YOU WON THE ELECTION!
Ghod I have to see that damn thing practically ever time I wanna get myself a nice nightcap!
The fact that this eyesore has persisted in Fresh Pond for five long months now is mute testimony to Governor Romney's ferocious self aggrandizement.
Well what can anyone expect?
This is a Governor planning to destroy the Massachusetts State College system all to force State Board of Higher Education Chair Billy Bulger out of a job.
That will no doubt impress Romney's future employers in Washington with his Bonapartist bona fides.
So hell yeah that sign stays up, let the students go bankrupt, let ignorance rule...but that garish banner remains on high until Romney ascends to Washington on a pillar of fire!

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