Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Savage Elation:

If MSNBC was a legit player in 1948, Reichsmarshal Herman Goering would've never faced the prospect of committing suicide in his Nuremburg prison cell. No doubt he'd a copped a lucrative radio show gig howling long and hard for "racial purity" whilst MSNBC clouded the air with press releases celebrating his "legitimate attempt to expand the marketplace of ideas".
It's taken forty plus years for Herman's legacy to finally transform radio and television, but there he is Michael Savage a talk show tyrant with a particular hang up with immigrants, traitors and possibly the Danzig Corridor.
Hey MSNBC-I can "expand the marketplace of ideas" too...
How about hiring me?
Of course I've got a slightly different target list....
I can call my critics rats, degenerates and traitors....
I can call for the mass deportation of radio talk show hosts...
I can call for select drum head court martials for the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Jay Severin...
I can do it all, easiest thing in the world.
And in fact I AM calling for all that...
Except of course, I'm joking...there I'm safe from all recriminations!

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