Monday, March 17, 2003

The spewin'' oh th' venom...
Mis-ter Wiz-ard I don't wanna be Irish anymore!
Mis-ter Wizard!!!!!!!
So John Kerry bit the bullet and showed up for the annual South Boston Saint Patrick's Day breakfast....big frickin' whoop.
I was half hoping his initial nonappearance might've lead to an uncontrollable outbreak of taste and modesty amongst the Bay State's governing classes.
But no, it was a kelly green victory for boorish behavior the world over.
Whenever I watch the Saint Patrick's Day breakfast on teevee, especially after a hard lost gubernatorial campaign I always reflect that in a crowd of alleged yellow dawg urban democrats statistics indicate at least of third of them deserted the party and voted for Romney (or Cellucci or Weld certainly...).
So the whole thing takes on less the appearance of a nice inoffensive tribal holiday and more a gruesome groveling circus enacted at the feat of some grinning jack off who has once again made off with the governorship with the connivance of the usual boyos.
Harsh words?
Yup I'm allowed, hell these are my people ghod help me.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day

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