Monday, August 02, 2004

You know....

EVERY TIME Jeff Jacoby opens his fat yap about how well things are going in Iraq some horrific bombing or massacre occurs virtually the same day to make a shambles of his carefully asembled fantasy of peace and progress in that far off land.
it is getting to the point where to save the lives of Iraqi civilians the Globe might wanna think about not running those Iraqi happytalk columns from Jeff.
All this would be funny if innocent people weren't getting killed every day.
Alas the irony comes at too high a price.
And yet poor Jeff yammers on about how freedom of expression has come roaring back in Baghdad even as countless Christian Churchs are being bombed up and down the Euphrates River.
A peculiar brand of first amendment rights is in action over there I think...very peculiar.
Still I do think it's time for one of those ghastly "My Dearest Caleb" columns...either that or Jacoby needs a nice quiet vacation in the James Taylor wing of McLean's.


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