Sunday, November 12, 2006

Geez I almost forgot to gloat...

It was just precious and lovely to see the Junior Senator from Pennsylvania, "High Pitched Rick" Santorum go down to a crushing defeat on Tuesday.
It just was....
A mere eighteen months ago, Santorum was being pumped up as a Future President and presumed Dictator of the United States.
Nice...long...fall into humiliation and obscurity, couldn't happen to a nicer guy quite honestly.
Rick was a ferocious rightical-chic religious fanatic and ideological warrior, in his fevered brain men must be MADE to fit the plan, if they won't then out come the bicycle chains.
Ah well, rise with ideology, fall with ideology I say.
Pennsylvania apparently grew sick of Rick and his pushy sanctimonious sense of entitlement, his weird hyper-religious lifestyle and that nasty psychotic whine he'd deploy when things went good.
Truly a man made in the image of Allen Drury's "Fred Van Ackerman" has departed public life, hopefully never to return.
Good riddance Rick, don't let the door smack you in the ass on the way out.

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