Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Massachusetts Uber Alles

My God, this is what Bonaparte must've felt when the sun parted the clouds at Austerlitz to reveal the wreckage of four empires strewn at the feet of the Corsican.

Geez that Mitt Romney is sure greedy and shameless isn't he? He devotes fifteen minutes of airtime tonight to allegedly "introducing" the thoroughly beaten and humiliated Kerry Healey which was really an opportunity to polish his presidential stump speech.
From the looks of the crowd in the ballroom, they wanted to drag the Governor off camera and work him over with tire irons...angry and used doesn't describe those stalwart Massachusetts Republicans.

Ah but the words of Oliver Cromwell come back to me at times like this, harsh as bout of malaria and sharp as ten penny nail:

"Thou hast tarried too long for the good thee have done and in the bowels of Jesus Çhrist Our Savior thee must go! God will decide the issue between thee and us!"

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