Monday, January 12, 2009

"Beware of your friends"

Sound advice that ought to be forcibly administered to ALL Massachusetts State Treasurers long before they take the oath of office.
Case in point, Tim Cahill.

This is sorta ironic given that there is some backnoise in the cities and towns ginnin' up Cahill as a primary challengers to Governor Patrick in 2010 on the grounds that Cahill will diivy up the local aid pie more fairly.
Everyone can see ruinous cuts and shortfalls on the horizon and wants to get a bigger slice now.
Options though are limited, budgets must be balanced no matter who is governor and revenues are falling. That being the case, the best we can hope for over the short term is some revenue sharing buckolas from Uncle Sam; the spender of last resort in hard times. Patrick would seem to be better suited to that role than Cahill.

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