Friday, January 09, 2009

NO Pardon for Finneran...

The Globe reports today that disgraced House Speaker Tom Finneran is brown-nosing the Bush admin for a pardon in respect of his 2007 conviction for obstruction of justice.
Tom once sat with his feet up on his desk and chuckled patronizingly as I and thousands more worked our asses off to prevent Mitt Romney, Paul Cellucci and Jane "Jingle Money" Swift from selling out the Commonwealth for chump change.
Party unity was never a big priority for Tom when it came time to elect a governor...after all with the GOP controlling the governsorship he was one of the state's two top democrats...who wants to give up a sweet deal like that?
To that end didn't he once call Scott Harshbarger a "loony leftist"?
Class all the way fuh real.
Tom has lost his pension and law license and a good job at a good wage on the state biotech council...IF he has to scrape by and clip coupons as a drive time radio personality on WRKO, well...dems da break Tom.
No Pardon for Finneran...if he can't hack the private sector that ain't my problem!

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