Friday, January 16, 2009

Bush's "farewell address"

A laundry list of wingnut catastrophes presented as glittering triumphs by a chief executive whose smirk suggested a trust fund lout who was handing you a pink slip.
"No hard feelings now" he'd giggle...such was his mien last night.
Ah yes, such is George W. Bush Jr, insolent and insufferable to the last...did he succeed at anything save stealing two US presidential elections in a row?
No he did not.
He leaves behind him a nation in economic ruins who claims to leadership are contested all over world, whose prestige is much short he leaves behind him challenges unseen since winter of 1933.
Give the boy credit though, he ardently believes in his cherished delusions...normally someone that disassociated is quietly drugged and carried off to a nice quiet setting, not George though the whole of the nation is his own little padded cell.

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