Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I do not know if

George Bush Jr. will be remembered as a great or even tolerable President, but I do know he will enjoy a place of honor in the annals of American Asshole-ism.
To the last, his press final conference resembles nothing more that a tacky barbarian chieftain trying to impress the College of Cardinals by displaying the outraged corpses of his victims, all suitably stabbed in the back.
Ah but that is the essence of Bush, a bland self confidence...which is otherwise a negligible quality if it is not armored with good judgement or some form of brains. No instead of intellect or judgement, Bush had the vegetable serenity of
ideology, and like all ideologues he loved power because power is the only thing that'll bend people into the pretzels that can fit into his ideals.
And what was his ideology?
Sinple AVENGE the outrages suffered by conservatives in the 1960's down to the last "Peace Now" placard...and in pursuit of that utopian notion he has driven and entire global super power right off a cliff...ideologue indeed.
I'll give him this though, like all ass-holes he is consistent, when he stole the election in 2000 I said "Win Ugly, Govern Ugly" and that has been GWB's true-north setting ever since. He made few decisions that weren't designed to punish the American people in general and liberals in particular and he hardly cared how badly all this reflected on him...punishment when you are the punisher is it's own reward.
And now he is at last poised to leave office, it feels like a century...it may take a century to move past all his bad decisions.
Unlike some other writers in this game I for one, will not miss him...to paraphrase the late Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector of England "He hath tarried too long for the good he hath done and in the bowels of Jesis Christ our Savior he must go...God will decide the issue between him and us!"

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