Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Limbaugh must be Livid...

to watch as former radio talk show host Al Franken bootstraps himself into the U.S. Senate. But for a few less wives and that oxycontin thing, it might be himself being sworn in as Senator.
Instead he sprawls on his couch, eating cheetos by the ten pound family sized sack and huffing paint thinner as his audience ages and ages and ages.

Okay I kid...but with Jeb Bush out of the senate race in Florida and Martinez still scheduled to retire in 2010 the race is wide open and last time I checked...Rush is a resident of Florida.

Thing of it is, most of these wingnut talkers are terrible physical cowards, good at bullying people from behing a microphone, but if they had to run a real race they'd hide under the bed.

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