Thursday, January 29, 2009

So let me get this straight...

the GOP caucus in the US House turned down 275 billion in tax cuts in the current stimulus package?
Because...somone crooned over a giant mummified hairball and announced in a voice oracular that if they say NO to their dearest wish then Obama will undoubtedly better the offer?
Honest to Ghod are these yokels HIGH???
To Humble Elias the ideological gap is clear and unambiguous, the GOP's House caucus is emotionally invested in presidential failure no matter what the cost to the nation or their own tax-cutting theology.
Nevertheless with consummate grace, Obama is still playing nice with these dingbats...why I cannot imagine. Perhaps the soft line is calculated to pick up some votes in the Senate (the likeliest scenario) or the President wants to gently introduce the House Republicans to political isolation.

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