Friday, January 23, 2009

Caroline we hardly knew ye....

That is how it goes in American politics, yesterday a person of destiny today an anonymous upper West Side aristocrat.
Short of a sobbing tell-all press conference Ms. Kennedy's downfall can be attributed to a too-cloistered lifestyle that left democrats wondering if she had any down-ticket pull with respect to fundraising. In terms of experience, Caroline Kennedy ran about even with then-First Lady Hilary Rodham Clinton, moreover Ms. Kennedy was very much a New Yorker in all but birth - advantage Kennedy. Conversely, Hillary Clinton was every inch a carpet-bagger back in 2000, but she had genuine political bona-fides, a fistful of IOU's (even if a few came out of her husband's in-box) and she had demonstrated strength as a fundraiser.
For someone running for Congress, State Rep or Count Sanitation Commissioner it's the money that resonates, and in that area I suspect, Caroline fell short.
Moreover, all Kennedy's commence the election cycle with certain cruel handicaps, they are Kennedys the modern inheritors of white liberal angst, they are wealthy and suspiciously urbane.
As such, they need to prove themselves by getting elected, not appointed. An appointment to the US Senate only amplifies their electoral drawbacks, that air of entitlement that is fatal for most politicians.
I suspect that if New York staged a special election to fill Senator Clinton's seat, that Caroline Kennedy, baggage and all would be storming up and down the Hudson River Parkway in her war-chariot tossing money to the wind and bellowing for an all out showdown in the nearest plaza.
But it was not to be and yet another homage to Camelot cometh and goeth on a wintery breeze.

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