Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Brand Romney, A Moderate Once More...

With a visible sigh of relief, the Boston Globe has once again taken the bait from the Former Viceroy and proclaimed him a nice safe milk & water family friendly GOP moderate.
I can just see Scott Lehigh moping his brow and blubbering "Oh Thank God!"
Of course, what is unintentionally funny is Mitt's newly minted status as a "Policy Wonk", just like the current President Romney likes to cuddle up at night with a heavy table of statistics from the Social Security Administration.
Next the ex Governor of Massachusetts will take up one on one basketball.
Anything to look like a winner I guess.
My question though, is this...Does a real moderate talk about the President of the United States in these terms:
“Never before in American history has its president gone before so many foreign audiences to apologize for so many misdeeds, both real and imagined. It is his way of signaling to foreign countries and foreign leaders that their dislike for America is something he understands and that is, at least in part, understandable. There are anti-American fires burning all across the globe; President Obama’s words are like kindling to them.’’
Dunno, that sounds like the usual indictment of the President's patriotism that we get from the Teabaggers doesn't it?
I mean you can just see the Zambesi tribesmen pouncing on an unwary safari can't you?
Well, passive aggression has worked so well for Mitt in the past, he can't give it up now.

And this is what is wrong with Romney, at his core all he cares about is winning, moderation (what that means these days) is merely a pose to him. Mitt will indulge any flip flip or court shamelessness to ensure his own prospects for victory at the polls.
And the Globe falls for it every god-damned time.
Sad really.

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