Thursday, March 25, 2010

Interesting quote from Joanie Vennochi

in her current column:
(Scott) "Brown never really explained how he could rail against a measure he once supported. Then, again, neither did Romney. He now sounds slightly unhinged as he attacks Obamacare, which is, after all, based on Romneycare."
Unhinged is the operative term, quite simply Mitt Romney has to carry one like a lunatic because the GOP's base demands nothing less of it's leaders.
They've been stoked to a point substancially past dementia by the likes of Michael Graham and Laura "Hollow Leg" Ingraham is anyone truly surprised to see Mitt Romney contradict himself so abjectly? He has to keep up with a constituency that metaphorically speaking is running thru the streets carrying shotguns and torches for gawd's sake.
Times like this it is important to recall that in the lead up to the 1860 Presidential election, Abe Lincoln was called a brute, a radical an anarchist and a race mixer all for opposing nothing more than the mere extension of slavery into the western territories.
That is all.
And all President Obama has signed into law are measures that have been on the books here in Massachusetts for the past six years.
And that is what makes Mitt Romney and Scott Brown rant and rave so, the fear of appearing sane.

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