Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Brown v. Kagan

The Globe is all a dither over which way Former State Senator Scott Brown is gonna vote in the upcoming nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court.
I got it down pat, if it is a close vote, Scott will vote no with a horrible little smirk on his face in full view of the TV cameras from FOX and CNN, if it is a blow out he will vote no and slip away quickly for a two week vacation up on Winnipesaukee til the dust settles.
Scott Brown is a conservative, and today's conservative is corrupt and thoroughly untrustworthy in every way, he has nothing to declare but his bad intentions to paraphrase the late William S. Burroughs.
His word ain't worth shit, not with Grover Norquist telling how to screw you on a deal....

Meanwhile when did this oaf become pro-choice? The above linked article claims on no substantiation that Brown is just that, last time I checked, Scott was for abortion only to save the reputations of his daughters or some such rubbish like that.
If he is pro-choice then why were groups like "Priests for Life" all squealing for joy and shaking their pom-poms when Scott won in January?

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