Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yuh see how these

shitkicker Governors abuse the Commonwealth's hospitality?
Mississippi's Governor Haley Barbour, came to town for a National Governor Association conference hosted by our own Governor Deval Patrick, so of course as Republican Governor's Association Commissar, he just had to show up with an attack advert de-nouncing our Incumbent Governor.
Ghod is he an ungrateful shit or what?
His own state is covered with ten inches of toxic crude oil, which Ayn Rand, Grover Norquist, Benny Hinn and the rest of those chowderheads assured him would never happen and still Governor Barbour has time to come up here to stab Deval Patrick in the back.
Whenever there is some gross breach of public decorum, you can bet some porch-climbing pol of one of the Former Confederate States lies at the heart of it, happens every time.
Honestly if Deval Patrick flew off to Biloxi with a attack advert proving Haley Barbour worshipped Vaal the Star Trek Godzilla Head and happily laundered money for the same the State Militia would hit the streets before sundown.
But this is Massachusetts, and we are polite to the point of having problems asserting our pride.
Shit we've even got some prize specimens who'll cheer this sort of gruesome behavior (Jeff Jacoby with pout and thrust out his lower lip and mumble something about the First Amendment while Howie Carr will twitch his flabby ass and shake his pom poms for sheer joy).
Haley Barbour is a shit, plain and simple, self righteous, selfish and contemptuous of those providing him with hospitality.  If he wants to act like a barbarian let him do it atop his own dung heap and steer clear of the Commonwealth.

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