Friday, July 30, 2010

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is once again

threatening the nation with a Presidential campaign.
"I have never been this serious" or so he told the Associated Press.
Amend that to read "I have never been serious" and you get the real scope of the picture, Newt doesn't have the guts to run for President not with the many many dancing skeletons in his closet. He does love phat speaking fees as well as seeing his name in the newspapers. Hence his annual flirtation with the White House.
He is akin to a fat spoiled brat who keeps threatening to run away if he doesn't start getting chocolate cream pie for Breakfast immediately.
He won't do it, trust me, there is a deficit of guts there.
Still, if he did, it would be glorious mah frenz.
Imagine a debate where Mitt Romney jammed between Gingrich and his sophomoric intellectualism and Sarah Palin's light as ashes phony populism, the Former Viceroy won't know who to pander to...
Meanwhile Rick "High Pitched Rich" Santorum is clearly running for President while Jeb Bush has taken himself out of the race.
I suspect Jeb might wanna go his Dad's route and maybe try to grab off the Vice Presidential nomination, but then again I have a hard time believing a Made Member of La Famiglia Arbusto would ever take orders from Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney for that fact.
But sweet Jesus the GOP debates that are shaping up!
Romney v. Palin v. Santorum v. Gingrich they may as well book the auditorium at the Concord New Hampshire State Mental Hospital now...It'll be that good.

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