Monday, July 05, 2010

Willfully craven versus willfully ignorant

On the front page of Saturday's Globe Sasha Issenberg had an article entitled "Faith Still Sticky Issue As Romney Mulls Run".
I can't link to it, it's three days old, take it on faith so to speak that Mitt's high command is inured to the notion that there is cohort within the GOP base he cannot reach because they have problems with his Mormonism.
Fair enough but we can also say that Romney dealt with this sectarian resistance by promising said cohort power beyond imaging over their fellow citizens, the right to fag bash, to exclude, to loot the Federal exchequer on behalf of their individual tabernacles, and more atop that as long as they overlooked his religion and voted for Romney.
Why should they take even a lucrative deal like that? Their very own slave in the Oval Office.
Well, the truth of the matter is, Mitt Romney could promise them all free hookers and unlimited book burning privileges and they wouldn't go for it. Because it only partially his religion, mostly it is about them establishing a religious qualification for the GOP Presidential nomination, Mormons need not apply.
True they couldn't hoist that giddy lightweight Huckabee onto the ticket, but they were willing to compromise on McCain and not with Romney.
Why should these these book worshippers dicker with Romney? They sandbagged him good in Iowa and New Hampshire packed the dirt down good on his political grave. Nothing has changed within the GOP to alter that dynamic except that the base has drifted even rightward into areas where the famously malleable Romney dares not go.
Frankly if Mitt wants the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination, he may need to change his religion, otherwise he can run as a disgruntled independent or flip to the dems with a Hail Mary pass in 2016 on a ticket with Joe Lieberman or Arlen Specter.
Okay pure speculative fiction I know.
I don't think Romney quite grasps the situation, if he did he'd realize he and country have bigger problems than any looming Presidential contest...The sort of problems a man would need to ponder, alas pondering ain't Mitt's strong suit.
 This is all vaguely akin to the situation last winter with the special US Senate election, whereas Romney thought he could buy off the religious right in the GOP Primary, AG Martha Cloakley chose to pretend that there is no glass ceiling in Massachusetts politics and she kept pretending just that until she smashed into it head on and was knocked sprawling.
Which approach is better? Truckling or willful ignorance? Well you can judge both by their respective outcomes, dead losses both of them with no prospect of doing better in a subsequent election.
So Humble Elias' point is (and he has one for once) it is best for candidates to address the Big Unspoken Bad early and decisively, because the two other options just don't work.

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