Monday, July 26, 2010


The Boston Globe ran a fourth Spotlight Team expose on the widespread chiseling, payroll padding and allegedly corrupt goings at the Commonwealth Probation Department, chicanery that totals up to tens of millions of dollars being wasted if the allegations are true.
Meanwhile the Boston Herald ran a caricature of John Kerry on it's front page depicting the Senior Senator as a pirate complete with the usual snarkage from GOP fundraiser and comedian Howie Carr.
I leave it up to my readers (all seven of you) to calculate which daily newspaper is serving the public more faithfully and honestly.
Meanwhile four bombshells have detonated on the front page of the Globe regarding the Probation Department and still the State Legislature hasn't held so much as one hearing into the allegations nor even scheduled the Governor's bill to reform said institution for a vote.
We can't even run the Probation Department without some two hundred and fifty deadheads swarming in and millions of dollars being wasted, and Beacon Hill is actually panting to introduce casino gambling to the state.
Good Lord image the patronage and chiseling opportunities that will afford...

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