Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"A Good Five Cent Cigar"

Is what the country needed or so opined the late Vice President of the United States, Thomas Marshall.
The Great and General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts takes a different view, they say that what we really need is casino gambling.
And as you can see here, every mook, chowderhead, skygrifter and porch climber on Beacon Hill has an opinion about casinos that they are desperate to share with the Boston Globe.
This stands in stark contract to This Article about the alleged chiseling, mismanagement & patronage abuses that are allegedly rampant at the Commonwealth's Probation Department, not a single member of the state legislature is therein quoted on this serious sitation.
They got quotes from Da Governor (all the way from Kabul) the Acting Commissioner of Probation, the Inspector General and various relevant solons...but the lege?
Dead silence.
Well I guess none of them folks wanna out Cousin Billy or Uncle Goddamn or whoever else they shoved behind a desk over at Probation.
If they aren't willing to discuss with the Boston Globe then it's sure as God Made Little Green Apples that they will never call a hearing on any of this mishaugas.
I would speculate, that absent such a hearing, that certain persons on Beacon Hill have too much to hide with respect to the matter.

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