Tuesday, July 06, 2010

"Chasing Mamacita"

Down in Rhode Island, the staties have the authority to arrest alleged illegal aliens and bind them over for deportation hearings.
Today's Globe outlines the whole process in detail.
My question is, in a state where organized crime allegedly has all kinds of chummy links with the state legislature is this a good allocation or law enforcement resources or is chasing down Liam and Bridget and Pablo and Rosita merely a red herring while local Don's double bill the Public Works Commission?
So of course, a idea like this has seized the noggins of Tim Cahill and Ziplips Baker with a death grip, they want the staties in the Commonwealth to round up the wogs too!
Because rounding up the pool man and the au pair is sooo much more important than State Law Enforcement dealing with this trivial situation....

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